
bringing ideas to life with frontend technology

About Me

Hi there, i'm Adeyanju Adeyemi a frontend developer currently based in Lagos Nigeria with up to 2 year experience creating performant FrontEnd Web appplication for the broswer.

i'm of the idea that everything can be optimized while writing scalable, clean and readable code. Peek into my resume and i'm sure you will find what you are looking for

Adeyanju Adeyemi

Creative Frontend Developer

Language, Stacks and Frameworks

Html, Css, JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJs, NextJs, Redux, Scss, Tailwind Css, ThreeJs, WebGL

Soft Skills

Blender 3D software, Photoshop software

Interpersonal Skills

Team work, Effective communication, attention to details.


Polongo.Ltd - Frontend Engineer

Jan ‘22 - feb ‘23

  • I built and completed all assigned design task within the stipulated period.
  • I contributed and collaborated with my team member for every team project that lead to the team successful project MVP launch
Download Full Resume

Still Have Doubts ?, Check out Projects I've Built And Worked On

  • #01More Apps

    This was the first startup company i worked for, i built the UI for their web app which offer fintech services. i was the lead developer among a team of 2 frontend developer and led the development of the Frontend from scratch till the MVP release.

    Built with:NextJs, TailwindCss, Gsap, Redux-Toolkit, Jest

  • #023D Room

    I also dabble in WebGL and animations, I learnt it to implement some features on a project I cannot talk about due to an NDA, but this is a pet project of mine showcasing the power of Threejs, WebGL for animations on the web. the Room was modelled by me using Blender and added to the web using ThreeJs.

    Built with:ThreeJs, Blender, React, Typscript, Shaders Language

  • #03WhatsApp Clone

    This is another pet project of mine, Here I challenged myself to build a WhatsApp clone. Built using React & Vannilla CSS for frontend and Firebase for backend The has Features like: -End to End messaging -Sending of voice note -Sending of all media files except document -Google Authentication -Creation of Group, plus all possible group feature possible in a real whatapp app i can confidently say this web app has at least 60% of the real whatapp features

    Built with:React, Javascript, Firebase,Google Auth

  • #04Airpods Ecommerce

    This is a airpod Ecommerce Design i saw on Pinterest, loved it and decided to bring it to live, all the airpod model was done by me in blender, i used ThreeJs for the webGL and used Gsap for the smooth animation.

    Built with:NextJs, Typscript, ThreeJs, SCSS, Gsap

  • #05Twitter Design

    This is an implementation of a challenge posted on Twitter months ago. It was making the rounds as a particularly difficult design for Frontend engineers to implement. I took up the challenge and brought it to life and was the first to demo a working implementation of the design.

    Built with:React, GSAP,Tailwind-CSS

You should drop by

Got a question, proposal or project or want us to work together on something? Feel free to reach out to me, and i will get back to you as soon as posible.

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